- CPK v2:
- Referee Kits Adidas Generics 14/15:
� 5 Colors: Blue Navy, Blue, Green, Red and Yellow.
� Model collar real on the kits.
� New Referee FIFA Badge 2015.
� New FIFA My Game is Fair Play 2015 sleeve badge.
- Referee Kits Adidas UEFA Champions League 14/15:
� 3 Colors: Black, Yellow and Blue.
� Real colors.
� New shorts blue navy color.
� New Referee FIFA Badge 2015.
- Referee Kits Nike AFC Champions League 2015:
� 4 Colors: Yellow, Black, Green and Grey.
� New Referee FIFA Badge 2015.
� New Dream Asia Badge on sleeve.
- How to install:
� Copy the file CPK to the folder Download.
� Edit your DpFileList.bin using this tool: DpFileList Generator v1.5
DOWNLOAD- Credits: Tunizizou and sxsxsx for help me to export/import the real collar model.